Improving American Democracy
Saturday, October 7, 2017 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbot Way Stanford, CA 94305
Presented by Making Every Vote Count and the Stanford Law School Student Chapter of the American Constitution Society
Welcome & Introduction (9:00-9:15)
ACS Presidents, Maggie Brennan
The problem with the presidential selection process (9:15-10:10)
Reed Hundt, Sam Wang, Vinod Bakthavachalam
How the Presidential selection process is failing American democracy and current efforts to fix the system.
The National popular vote interstate compact: Where We've Been, where we are, and where we're going (10:10-10:30)
Dr. John Koza, Founder and Chairman, National Popular Vote, Inc.
Keynote (10:30-11:00)
The Honorable Jamie Raskin (Member of the House of Representatives from Maryland), introduced by Jake Fuentes
How and why I passed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in Maryland and how other States can pass the Compact
Structural barriers to majority rule and representative democracy (11:10-12:25)
Jon Blake, Andy Hall, Tom Mann, Larry Irving
How the Presidential selection process leads to negative campaigning and bad policy outcomes.
Lunchtime Keynote (12:35-1:35)
Conversation with The Honorable Anna Eshoo (Member of the House of Representatives from California) and Reed Hundt
The genius of the constitution: how America has moved toward democracy Since 1787 (1:40-2:55)
Matthew Shapanka, Richard Tedlow, Bruce Cain, Larry Kramer
Why the Presidential selection process is no longer consistent with American democratic principles.
What Can be done (3:05-3:35)
Jake Fuentes, Lisa Foster, Matthew Shapanka, Maggie Brennan, Benjamin Haas
Making Every Vote Count's plan to improve our Presidential selection process.
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October 7, 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
559 Nathan Abbot Way Stanford, CA 94305